
Paidy is a fast and secure way to check out online. It allows your consumers to easily make purchases using only an email address and phone number. No lengthy registration. No cumbersome credit card input. And it provides you with a secure and flexible way to handle payments at your online store.

  How does Paidy work

Paidy has 2 core components: Paidy Checkout and the Paidy API. Consumers use Paidy Checkout to create payments and merchants use the Paidy API to manage those payments.

[payments overview diagram]

  • Paidy Checkout is a checkout app that works within your existing checkout page. It provides a secure and streamlined process that works across all major desktop browsers and mobile devices. When a consumer selects Paidy as the method of payment, the Paidy Checkout app launches and guides the consumer through the rest of the checkout process. When complete, it sends the order data to Paidy, and Paidy authenticates and authorizes the payment.
  • Once a payment is created, you can use the Paidy API to manage the payment. The API provides a secure way to capture, refund, or cancel a payment. Request and response data are formatted as JSON.

  Secure communication

Security and data integrity are fundamental concerns for Paidy. TLS is an industry standard protocol for encrypting network communications and establishing the identity of websites over the Internet.

Both the Paidy Checkout and the Paidy API support TLS version 1.2 and higher. Additionally, we rely on HTTPS to ensure all data is transmitted securely.

  Getting started

On this site, you will find all the information you need to quickly and easily integrate Paidy at your webstore.

You can use Paidy to accept both standard payments and token payments. When integrating Paidy Checkout the process for integrating Paidy Checkout for payments and the process for integrating Paidy Checkout for tokens are slightly different. Make sure to use the correct one. </a>

Once you have completed the integration and testing, you are ready to start accepting Paidy payments at your online store.